Friday, March 24, 2023

What is gematria?

gematria is a system of assigning numerical value to words and phrases. It is widely used in Jewish studies, particularly the study of Kabbalah, but it has also been used in other religions, cultures and esoteric systems throughout history.

In the Jewish tradition, words and names are given numerical values based on the numerical values of their letters. For example, in Hebrew, each letter corresponds to a number from 1 to 10 — one for alef (), two for beeth () and so on — so that any given word has its own unique number associated with it. Gematria can then take these unique numbers and use them as a basis for considering deeper spiritual meanings or symbolism behind each word or phrase.

Gematria has been used as a tool to try and uncover hidden messages in the Bible or other sacred texts. A classic example comes from the book of Genesis where different words related to "light" (e.g., Or ("light"), Choshech ("darkness"), and Leor ("flame") all have a common numerical value of 216 (6 x 6 x 6). From this observation, Kabbalists deduce that light, darkness and fire have fundamental connections which are all expressed through this simple gematria calculation.

By considering all aspects of a word's gematrial value—not just the total number—a deeper understanding can be attained about the layers of hidden meaning within literature. In Kabbalah, this is called "Notarikon," which looks at more than just individual letters but also considers combinations of letters (such as standard abbreviations) to further uncover the underlying mysteries behind a text. The English spelling for "Gematria" itself has a value of 230 (which is symbolically significant since 230 = 2 + 3 + 0 = 5), indicating its potential significance as an epistemic tool or form of knowledge acquisition system that is used to explore mysteries which may otherwise remain concealed.

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